HomeAbout UsOnline/CorrespondenceDUI / DrugOnline Payments

Options Diversionary Programs, LLC
 Call us at: (702)646-4736
Online / Correspondence Programs:
Online Court Ordered Programs
(Not all online programs are accepted by all courts or referring jurisdictions.  PLEASE, ensure through your legal representation or your referring jurisdiction that Online programming will satisy your requirements. )

Monies paid for Online Programming is NON-REFUNDABLE!  Please ensure this will meet your requirements before proceeding.
AIDS Awareness:                                 $150.00

Solicitation Prevention:                         $220.00

Self Control:                                          $285.00

Impulse Control:                                   $285.00

Anger Management Level II                  CALL
& Domestic Violence I & II

Petty Larceny:                                       $285.00

Low Level Drug:                                    $285.00

​DUI School:  On-Line                           $180.00

DUI School Level II                               $385.00
When Payment is made, please fill in "Contact Information" field with the clients name, phone #, and e-mail, to ensure fees are properly credited to your account.  The e-mail is where your Certificate of Completion will be sent!**


*** If you are paying for someone elses program, the name of the client is mandatory! *** 
***Upon payment confirmation, programming will be forwarded.  If payment for Online Programming is paid during non working hours, programming will be forwarded on the next business day.
Options  DUI School 
Nevada Lic. #:  DUI000040871